Tuesday 4 December 2012

The government's point of view

 An important part of incorporating this biofuel into Canada today is having positive effects for the fuel industry. The fuel and electric industries today is an important part of the Canadian economy; they provide jobs for thousands of people across the country.  This is where the government comes in. If we were to incorporate this biofuel into our society, would we damage the economy?

The answer is NO.  If we integrate this gradually into our society we can transition jobs currently held by people in the fossil fuel industry to the good, green energy jobs of our future.  Biogas would also positively affect the economy of rural areas since it would be the farmers providing the electricity and earning another source of income.  This biofuel would also create many indirect jobs in the wiring and construction of natural gas pipes from the farms to commercial areas and the construction of the plants that clean the biogas. 

The governments in Ontario and Quebec are already involved in the installation of anaerobic digesters.  They offer grants to help cover the initial costs because the farms who want to install them can’t always afford it.  Quebec will pay up to 70% of the total cost (200,000$ max) and Ontario will give up to a 60,000$ grant to farmers.  The Canadian government has also put in place green electric prices of 11 cents/ kwh (14 cents at peak hours) to help these farmers pay back their grants.  The only problem with this is that without these government grants, most dairy farms couldn’t afford to install them, but the present government doesn’t have the funding to pay for the installation of an anaerobic digester at every dairy farm in Canada.  Therefore the only way for biogas to become one of Canada’s main energy sources would be to install the digesters over time. 

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